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Evensong Empty Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:55 pm

Joshua stood at the pulpit of St. Jude's. Soothing organ music could be heard as the organist played the introduction. The Reverend lifted his chin, and taking a deep breath, projected his voice without the use of a microphone. The arrayed parishoners were seated in the pews, the light of sunset filtering through the old stained glass windows.

"O Lord, open our lips," he sang in traditional cantor.

"And our mouths shall proclaim Your praise," the parishoners sang back, the quiet, beautiful music ringing out in a returning answer.

"Let us worship the Lord," Joshua intoned.

"All praise to His name," they replied.

"Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be forever, Amen," Joshua sang softly with the members of his church, and spread his arms.

"Please, be welcome to St. Jude's for this midweek Evensong and Communion. Welcome to you if you are a member of my parish, or if you are a newcomer. Before our service continues, it is my joy to publish the banns of marriage for Daniel John Phillips, Bachelor of this parish, and Maria de la Fuente, also spinster of this parish. If anyone knows any reason in the eyes of the Law why these two people may not be married in the sight of God, they are to declare it to me. This is for the second time of asking," the Reverend fell silent, listening to the answering silence in the Church. It was always a relief for him, when no one spoke out. Of course, he knew Daniel and Maria very well, and had no doubt that there was nothing impeding them in their marriage.

"Very well then," he said at the silence. "We shall proceed with our Evensong service."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:07 pm

However, not everyone in the sermon was seated. At the back by the door, out of eyesight of everyone else, sat the noticeable detective quietly listening in while reading his book. The church bible didn't seem to hold any actual notices of religious mention of vampires or the dark...but he figures the world outside in the light is better off unaware of such a sinister thing in the first place. His mind reeling in the possible conflicts of unleashing it, rather than keeping it contained, as he himself figures it would not be long before it would be let out into an onslaught of woe and tears.

His hand turning the pages one after another during the Service, simply seated there out of sight, and out of mind of everyone else. It would seem he appeared adamant from even being in noticeable public completely...


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:54 am

Joshua presided over the service. Since, from the pulpit, he had a perfect view of the layout of the Church, he took in the obviously seated detective and wondered vaguely why he'd come if he was going to sit at the back reading. Surely it would have been more sensible to wait until the end of the service if he wished to speak.

He delivered a short speech on the Sermon on the Mount, his voice ringing clearly throughout St. Jude's. The sermon, he thought, was recieved quite well by the parishoners, but it was a comfortable, familiar topic. Internally, he felt a twinge of guilt for not being more challenging, but it had been a hard week.

The sung Eucharist brought no difficulty. He had done it many times before, and when he bade the congregation to go in peace, he thought that they seemed more than satisfied as they gently began to trickle towards the doors.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:06 am

The passing of the minutes that went by in the Sermon were quite solitude in their work. Morgan kept where he was within the siding of motion, keeping his nose to his given book behind the doors into the church room itself. His mind was clearing itself up on its work and the research he has to do with his time as he tried. Chris was being a problem with explaining the situation, and Sarah had no trust in him other than his skills that he can provide. All he can do was put faith in fate in how it can deal his hand.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:51 pm

Joshua stood at the altar, gently snuffing out the candles over the altar cloth. His eyes were half-closed in respect to this most sacred of moments. Certainly, in a few minutes, he'd be with the parishoners again in the adjoining hall, enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before heading home to his wife, but for now, he was alone in the sanctuary, in the most holy of places.

And he prayed.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:53 pm

"Don't pray for too long...Just because you stand where two cross's meet together when the sun is in the right alignment with the painted glass." Morgans voice came up soon when the room was empty enough to conversate one on one with just the father himself joshua. His eyes gaze up slowly to the man putting out the candles, recognizing his features without a second haste in his eidetic memory. The most he wants to do is just simply stand there gazing at him, but at most he wanted to speak honestly.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:04 pm

Joshua's striking and handsome face looked politely bemused by the other man's comment.

"Please excuse me," he said quietly. "This is a private time. I'd appreciate it very much if you'd stay out of my sanctuary for a moment." He was nothing but polite, but there was a very obvious, and clear message. One does not insult a Priest's faith inside his own church. Joshua Haldor might devote every minute of his life to his parish, but these few moments belonged to God.

And with that, he let himself slip back into the prayer.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:49 am

Morgan didn't speak much after that but he felt that what he would say would rather be inappropriate at the time when he thought it. From there, he moves over to his seat as he eased himself down in waiting on the priest. He didn't mean to offend, but Morgan was not one who really was to be unfrank with his words either on purpose or on accident.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:00 pm

Joshua thought it was a great misfortune that some people were brought up without manners. One could only pray that the gentle push would teach the other man not to interrupt someone deep in prayer. Quite beside from any issues of faith or lack of it, this was his job. It was required for him to pray for his parish and for his congregation after the end of the service, and the Priest was passionate and devout to his duties.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and snuffed out the last candle, the robes he wore in the church hanging heavily around his slim body. He moved forwards to Morgan and offered him a very warm smile.

"You'll have to excuse me; perhaps you didn't know? Being a priest is much more than working for an hour every weekend. What can I do for you?"


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:17 pm

He took the moment of time to simply sit there quietly without any form of emotional explanation at the time. He gazes slowly at him while he thought about his words in carefulness and consideration. However, he did feel inappropriate about what he was thinking in front of a man of holy belief.

"First i would like to apologize about my rude gesture of speech that I have given. With my years of work I have had little to believe in the religious faith other than faith in fate itself. Second, when I enter in here I worry about seeing something i feel would be Inappropriate to speak of in your presence father Joshua. Unless you would be willing to hear my mental quandary..."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:25 am

Joshua wondered internally if Morgan had suffered unfortunate brain damage. He had heard of cases where people had completely lost the ability to communicate clearly, or even construct sentences. Was that the case with Morgan? It was impossible to understand his speech most of the time. But he kept his face perfectly straight and, with a concerned, interested look, nodded to the PI.

"There is nothing you can speak of in my presence that is 'inappropriate'. Part of my work, the larger part of it, involves counselling and helping people who have some need of it. Please, tell me of this quandry you have," he said kindly. "Although I must tell you... it's not 'Father'. I'm not Catholic. It's Reverend Haldor if you feel it necessary to use a title for me. But you're quite welcome to call me Joshua."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:27 am

"Very well Joshua." the way he spoke and the time he spent with speaking it so oddly seemed more so he might actually have lost his ability to cope with communication rather than a mental disability. Perhaps one too many cases got to his mind, or maybe he actually spoke in such a way on purpose to steer peoples thinking of him off a bit. Otherwise, he just looked up at the cross.

"You ever see its shadow from the front door when the shadow is cast from the cross?"


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:54 am

Joshua politely raised an eyebrow. What on Earth was Morgan talking about? The shadows from the Crucifix behind the altar were completely normal. Not only were they completely normal, but Joshua's strange gift would have alerted him to the touch of the supernatural.

"There are often shadows at the front door," he said quietly. "Churches traditionally face East, so that the sun rises behind the altar."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:00 am

"Well do you see the possition the shadow is in when it is cast upon the onlooking church goers sitting beneath its casting?" He gestures up as the shadow cast from the crusifix actually looked like an outstretching upside down cross often considered a blasphemy to christian belief. "...Did you know that the upside down cross is the symbol of the damned Joshua?"


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:22 am

Joshua's eyes flickered towards the dim and distorted shadow from the church lights. The sunset had long passed now, and the shadow was nothing more than a shadow. The Priest felt extremely sorry for Morgan. It must be agony to live with such terrible superstition in his life. He shook his head slowly.

"I've heard it's a symbol of the Black Mass, of Witches, of all manner of terrible things. But those things are a lie," the Priest said simply. "The Cross is an execution device from the ancient world. Without Faith, it is nothing more than a piece of wood. And a shadow is just a shadow." He walked forwards and stepped into the shadow, spreading his hands. "And the Satanic Panic was an unfortunate, tragic period of American History. It was also entirely made up. You can put your mind at ease. There is no power in a symbol unless you chose to give it one."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:32 am

He slowly looked at Joshua in silence as he presented such an example. His posture easing forward to stand himself up as he walked over to the door, turning around just to be in appropriate distance while facing each other. "True as it may be, I have lived in a time and age of 15 years of being stuck in such a state of uncertainty and grey. Even within this hallowed hall I see differently than others while I ponder it quietly."

He did see things differently. To his eyes, they see in a poetic injustice that is often viewed. It may be insulting, but at least it was how he ended up scarred with lacking emotions. "While I stand here, I see such an upside down cross as a metaphorical example of how people come here for redemption from their sins as they enter in these halls and hope to pray to god to have their tragedies forgotten. In the world I live in, It is the same as those who are involved in the murder cases I view while they stand in their position in front of me. To imagine myself as the cross who's shadow is cast upon the guilty or innocent, they view it as being put to hell without a trial. While I stand where the shadow comes from me, I would only see a barrier of disbelief as if what they say is truth. in my line of work, I am in the position that requires I am non judgmental and looking to one thing, the truth."

He gazes slowly to the cross as he stays stationary and silent with his words spoken calmly without any feeling behind them rather than simple thought and mentality being put forth. "How would you feel if you stand in a position where you see people who are innocent looking for a guiding path, while others in their position are thought of as the guilty party looking to a higher power as if it was looking down upon them rather than equal to them?"


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:46 am

"I'm terribly sorry that you see the Christian faith as either a cheap, poor bank transaction or a condemnation to Hell. The symbol of the Cross is not a weapon to be used on people. It is a symbol of being willing to forgive all sins. Whoever taught you about faith must have been a deeply damaged person," Joshua said quietly, even as the man rambled on about his past life with cases. He had met officers, officers who were deeply traumatised from seeing child victims, or feared they couldn't separate their work from their ordinary life. He saw the same wound, only deeper and more torn open within his cell mate Sara, the damage of a person forced to be better than any human could be by circumstance.

Morgan didn't give him that impression. He spoke like a robot with only the loosest understanding of meaning; like a thesaurus being applied without understanding. And there was no emotion in his words, no feeling or understanding.

Joshua knew a word for that, of course, but it wasn't something he liked to say in front of people. He suspected though, that the PI Chris had foolishly hired was far from sane, and sincerely needed trained psychiatric assistance.

"I don't stand in judgement of anyone," he said quietly. "Nor do I need to. I am unworthy of such a position, and were I put in one, I would not accept it. I am but a man, with human prejudices and thoughts, and I am not pure enough to sit in such... patronising judgement, claiming who is guilty and innocent, boiling it into a black and white, simple world. One that does not exist. My advice to you would be to seek a psychiatrist."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:54 am

"It may be insanity to yourself, but think about how long I have been in the dark stumbling around as if I was blind from the facts of life not knowing where I am going or who I am able to trust. I had to toss away a lot of my humanity just to be able to do my work, and know those I can trust who show promise and capability. in my line of work, I have to say, there is no black and white...Only the strange amount of grey that others keep putting into categories out of fear or happiness." He spoke on quietly at the time, though he had his head hanging slowly while actually having a rather quiet unnoticeable feeling... regret.

Possibly from times where he had to see an innocent man treated as guilty due to fake evidence, or perhaps a corrupt politician blaming a lower working man for their own transgressions in life. However, it would appear this troubled detective might have gotten such a thing as a bad perspective of life through a rather aged mind and superstition about the darkness.

He looked onward to Joshua quietly as he seemed to have actually just brushed aside the visual feeling on his sullen face. "...I maybe troubled and I may be in need of help...But have you ever lived in a world where the person next to you could be something you never knew them to be? A barber shaving your cheek only to lean his head in to 'accidentally' slice your juggular... A helpful taxi driver at night taking you home from being too drunk, only to be a kidnapper who ends up taking you away to dump you in a corner and steal your money before leaving.."

He then begins to step forward quietly, each step steady and in pace as he spoke each word till he was a mere few feet in front of Joshua with those silent emotionless eyes. "Or ... the fact that an innocent company like the harpers...could actually be a front for blood thirsty vampires... You NEVER know who is who unless you find the truth..."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:04 am

Joshua studied Morgan as he strode back and forth and declared himself the only one who had ever experienced pain. The confirmation was simply there. This man was no more than a narcissist suffering from borderline personality disorder. The delusions that he was the only one who had ever felt trauma were staggering. The paranoia, and yes, it was paranoia, such delusions were more than the reality. The world was certainly a harsh place, and there were certainly monsters, but the inability to see the light, to believe that everyone was dangerous... no. These things were the mark of the mentally ill.

"In my experience, those who really have experienced great tragedy don't brag about it," the Priest said quietly. "Your descriptions are the descriptions of a man who thinks that is how he should feel. Your assumption that you are the only person in the world to experience tragedy or violence suggests that you have experienced very little in the grand scheme of things. I spend every moment of my life encountering people with real scars." Joshua clearly wasn't remotely intimidated by Morgan's descriptions. He looked only sorry for the other man.

"As I said. You should see a psychiatrist. And please, stop trying to intimidate people. I know what the Harpers are. I've sat in their house and spoken to them face-to-face. I've stood between the innocent and monsters all of my life. You can't frighten me with implied threats and a cold look."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:14 am

Morgan stood there quietly, silently standing while taking in everything he could. He eyed Joshua without a word while he noticed his impatient feelings. His eyes slowly close as he shook his head quietly. He didn't have any sort of personality disorder obvious, but he did seem to have been far out of knowing how others feel that easily. He gives a silent nod and a hand to his chest in a slight bow. "do forgive me. It would seem my time in the dark has made me more cold at heart than I would have seemed. I did not, nor did I mean to, give off the impression of intimidation. This just seems to be a failed attempt at actually having a normal conversation when all i can ever think about is how i always been suspicious about what might come for my throat. I do hope you would forgive me reverend for my impolite behavior."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:22 am

Joshua's kind, patient eyes gave off no impression that he was telling Morgan to leave. Clearly the PI was very poor at reading people, which only confirmed how lacking in humanity the man was. The Priest gave a small shrug, not commenting on the bizarreness of the bow.

"Listen to me. If you can't hold an ordinary conversation with someone, without trying to intimidate them, consciously or unconsciously, you need professional help," he said levelly. "Surely, it could only help your private investigative work if you could talk to people."

What sort of PI couldn't talk to people? He'd never get any answers that way.

"And for future reference," the Priest added, his voice still polite and kind. "If you intend to move within the circles of Hunters, you'll find that most of them won't respond as kindly as I did to the implication that they're all blind to what's out there. Most of them have lost a great deal more than you seem to have."


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:24 am

"I would imagine a child, a personal heirloom, or perhaps family and friends and a life. But for all my knowledge I cannot be someone who can really call himself a hunter. I do not hunt...I simply find the truth I guess." He kept a monotone state of voice as he rubs the back of his neck.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Kazakin Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:29 am

"You're not a Hunter?" Joshua said quietly, and for the first time, his eyes hardened. "You're telling me that you came into my Church, in full knowledge of what I am and what I do, having seen me with your reporter friend, to tell me that you have suffered so much more than any of the other Hunters, or police, or soldiers, or all manner of people in Detroit, and not only have you not lost anything, but you are not even a Hunter? You're just doing this for... some vague idealistic reason, that serves no one but yourself?"

"I suggest you leave St. Jude's. I suggest that you get help for your many, tragic problems. And I suggest you stop seeking this 'truth' if you are not ready to stand up and fight for it, be it with weapons or words," the Priest indicated the door. "The exit is that way. There are many talented psychiatrists within Detroit. Do enjoy the rest of your evening."

The conversation was very, very clearly over.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

Post by Morgan666 Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:32 am

" would appear our conversation is indeed over." He turns as he makes his way along to the door. He takes a silent moment then and there before leaving, as he looks back quietly. "...let us hope this does not ruin our working together..." Then he turns and simply makes a quiet walk to the door and out of it. It was indeed seen as he did not belong in the hunter business, but he appears to be the kind of person who simply will work while knowing about the dark. Strangely...he may be a liability.


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Evensong Empty Re: Evensong

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